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  • Writer's pictureRyan

Why The Enneagram?

I often get asked the question:Why do you use the enneagram in coaching? This is a valid question and one that has many nuances. It seems that I am answering this at least once a week these days, if not more. So, I decided to post about it in an effort to answer it more completely. 1. I use the Enneagram because it’s a helpful tool in bringing insight and clarity. Let me emphasize the word tool from my previous sentence. That is what the Enneagram is, a tool that when used correctly and in submission to the gospel can be a very effective means of helping a person grow in their knowledge of self and more importantly, knowledge of God. The Enneagram is not everything, it has not mystical power to transform a person.

Transformation only happens when truth from God’s Word is applied to a person’s heart by the Spirit of God. However, the Enneagram can assist in the process. 2. I use the Enneagram because it is more holistic than most personality assessments. The Enneagram is actually much more than simply a personality assessment. Most assessments simply focus on a person’s strengths and assets while minimizing or completely ignoring the liabilities or weaknesses a person may experience. The Enneagram not only acknowledges these weaknesses but helps a person unpack them and understand their origins so a person can be aware when those weaknesses are coming to bear on their relationships and other aspects of their lives. It effectively functions as a warning system, to let a person know they

need to self-correct and avoid unhealthy and destructive behaviors. 3. I use the Enneagram because it’s interesting and fun! In my experience most people enjoy a healthy amount of introspection and learning about themselves. I have found, over the years, that many people spend little to know time considering why they do what they do. They simply try to figure out ways to change their behavior. While respectable this approach is incomplete. The Enneagram offers an approachable and engaging means of doing just

that. From understanding the diagram itself to taking a deep dive into a person’s enneagram type, clients enjoy this tool. It often helps clients have one of those “aha” moments that we all love.

As with all things outside of God’s Word the Enneagram is an imperfect tool, it has its obvious weaknesses and flaws. However, as stated, when used in submission to the gospel it can be a powerful way to gain clarity, self-awareness, and a better understanding of our Creator. If you have questions about the Enneagram or are interested in growing, improving relationships, and flourishing in your identity in Jesus, I encourage you to contact me today for a free consultation! I would be thrilled and privileged to walk this journey with you.

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