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  • Writer's pictureChris

I don't Feel peace

There are many reasons that someone might seek coaching, but one I hear about often is a lack of peace. It could be about a decision, a relationship, a job situation, or an overall sense of anxiety. All of us want peace in our lives, but sometimes our usual go-to life strategies aren’t enough to get us there. Connecting with a coach can be a great way to discover what is undermining your peace and come up with a plan for how to address it.

Ultimately, at Brightwater, we’re going to point you to the true Peace we all need, the peace of Christ. Even when he walked the Earth over 2,000 years ago, Christ knew that we would need peace, and he knew how to help us get it.

Let’s pick up the story in the Bible, specifically John 16:1-32. Jesus had just told his friends that they were going to experience some scary things: persecution from their communities, suffering, even death. Worst of all, Jesus told them that this would happen and he wouldn’t be there. He was going to “go away” and they wouldn’t be able to find him. Now, I don’t know about you, but if the person I trusted the most and had pinned a lot of hope on was telling me these things, I’d be getting pretty anxious! His disciples were as well. But Jesus had the answer to this anxiety ready in verse 33:

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 ESV)

It’s interesting that Jesus didn’t say that he would fix all these upcoming problems. He didn’t say “Just kidding! I’m not really leaving!” Those things were not going to truly bring them peace. He said that “in me” they would have peace. Peace, whatever the circumstance, can be found if we are looking for it in Christ.

No matter the personality tool or coping strategy you use, ultimate peace is only going to come if they are pointing you to Jesus himself. He is the one who can carry our burdens, strengthen us when we feel like falling apart, transform us when we need to change, and comfort us in our grief. He is patient with our weakness and promises to never leave us. When the trials of life come, our instincts can be to turn away from Jesus to calm our anxieties and find peace. We can reject him, blaming him as the cause of our pain, or lean too heavily into our own strengths and plans for relief. Instead, we need to approach Christ more to find the peace we so desperately seek.

This is why, at Brightwater, we aren’t just into the latest methods and buzzwords. We’re only interested in what can help you seek Christ and find the peace he brings. If peace is something you’ve struggled to find, connect with us. We’d love to partner on your journey to true peace in Jesus.

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