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  • Writer's pictureChris

How do I always end up here?

Sometimes I get lost in thought while driving and I head to work. I ponder a recent conversation, the week’s to-do list, or a point made in a podcast I’m listening to. It sufficiently distracts me for enough time before I realize that I’m not supposed to be driving to work. I drive to work so often that the route there from my house is practically ingrained in me. So, though I intended to drive somewhere else, I got so distracted that the habit of driving to work took over and carried me in a direction I didn’t want to go!

This is a great illustration of the power of habit. Habits are the responses and behaviors we build into our lives to navigate the problems we face. We’re often not even aware of all the habits we’ve established, but they greatly influence us. This is because humans are problem solvers. We look for patterns and behaviors that help us get what we want. But these habits shape us, and where we’re headed, more than we can imagine. James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits, summarizes it like this: “Your habits shape your identity, and your identity shapes your habits."

Identity matters because it reveals the kind of people we are. When we set goals, we tend to be results-oriented, and we don’t think about identity. “I want to run a marathon,” we think. Or, “I want to start a business,” or “I want to learn guitar,” or “I want to lose 15 lbs.” Those are great outcomes, but what kind of people achieve those outcomes? They are probably people who get up early, or plan their week so they don’t miss workouts, or skip late night binge-watching and practice guitar. Habits reveal the identity of the people who achieve the goals they want.

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I always end up here?” sometimes we really want to make a change, and we try, but we end up stuck in the same place. It could be because of your habits. Your habits are carrying you to destination that you don’t want to go to, and you need to change your habits to get there!

Jesus is fully divine, but also fully human – and guess what? When he walked the earth, he had habits! Here are some laid out for us in the Gospels”

1. Jesus got up early to be alone and pray. (Luke 22:39-40, Luke 5:16, Mark 1:35)

2. Jesus intentionally balanced seasons of work and rest. (Luke 4:38-44)

3. Jesus regularly attended worship. (Luke 4:16, 19:47, Matthew 26:55)

4. Jesus regularly met with his close friends. (John 18:1-2)

If Jesus had intentional habits, we should seriously consider ours! However, the key word in the previous sentence is intentional. Our habits will direct us if we don’t purposefully direct them. But changing habits can be hard! That’s where coaching can be a major help. A coach can help you identify your goals and that habits you need to change to get there. If you know you face this kind of change but don’t know where to start, we’d love to help!

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