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MOre About Us

Brightwater coaches are passionate about helping people grow in self-awareness, emotional intelligence, relational skills and knowledge of the Gospel. Learn more about the Brightwater team below.


I am a mostly introverted type 2 wing 3 (Supportive Advisor) living with my awesome wife Carol (9w1) and my two kids Sydney & Elliot in Carmel, IN. I’m a pastor, a pastoral counselor and an Enneagram coach. I have a lot of education in the field of counseling and coaching and I am constantly learning and reading more. The enneagram is a wonderful tool and I love learning more about it and applying it to life.


I love cool weather; I greatly dislike hot weather and I usually just tell people that jeans and hoodie weather is where I am happiest! I love to play tennis and I am just a big fan of stories well told. That can be in a book, a movie, music, comic books, conversation with others or anything else. The most important thing to know about me is that I am nothing special. I am a sinner saved by grace who needs Jesus to help me get through every single day of my life. I have devoted my life to being a follower of Jesus and though I do that very imperfectly, I can honestly say that loving Jesus and wanting others to know Him is the driving motivation for everything I do.


I believe in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to save souls and change lives, and I believe in the Enneagram as a tool that can be used to help attain clarity and aid in the process of change.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Broadcasting​

  • Masters in Christian Ministry with a focus on Christian Counseling​

  • Masters in Biblical Counseling with an emphasis on marriage and family and addiction recovery counseling​

  • Board certified pastoral counselor through the Board of Professional and Pastoral Counselors​

  • Board certified Christian Life Coach

  • Certified Enneagram Coach through Your Enneagram Coach​

  • Certified SYMBIS Pre-Marital Counseling Facilitator

  • Certified Christian Trauma Care Provider

  • Trained "Managing Leadership Anxiety" Facilitator

  • 10+ years of counseling and coaching experience.



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I am a 9w1 (Peaceful Mediator) living with my wife Jodie (1w2) and three kids in Westfield, IN. I serve in the Worship Arts ministry of a local church but have served in several pastoral and administrative roles in ministry for over 17 years. I am a certified Enneagram coach and lay counselor with a passion for helping people reach moments of spiritual clarity. More than anything, I love being a part of people connecting on a deeper level with Jesus.


When I have some free time, you can often find me playing guitar, reading, or spending time outdoors. I am also a big sports fan and love to watch and discuss them with others. I’m a verbal processor who enjoys connecting with others in discussion, especially over good coffee (always black). 


One of my life mottos is “If I’m not learning, I’m dying.” I think my whole life has been one big learning experience. I’ve had to learn a lot of hard lessons about what it means to follow Christ, to give up idols in my heart and trust in him fully, to repent of sin, to acknowledge my own anxieties, and to be fully present to others in my life. God’s grace has kept me thus far and will continue to in the future.


I see the Enneagram as a tool, albeit it a powerful one, for growing closer to Jesus. I believe Jesus’ Gospel is the only hope we have, and my aim is to help people do that better through using this tool.





  • Certified Enneagram Coach through Your Enneagram Coach​

  • Bachelor’s in Communication

  • Master’s in Theology 

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